Conflict minerals statement

Beijer Electronics continuously works with our suppliers to declare in accordance with the Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT).

Beijer Electronics use Tungsten, Tantalum, Tin and Gold in our products. Each of these metals has specific electrical properties which are necessary for the function of our products and cannot be replaced to provide the high level of functionality and quality demanded by our customers.

The conformant lists represent the smelters and refiners that have successfully completed an assessment against the applicable RMAP (Responsible Minerals Assurance Process) standard or an equivalent cross-recognized assessment. The assessment evaluates the auditee’s due diligence systems and processes to conform with the RMAP standards.

The list of conformant smelters can be changed by RMI a few times per year, which means that at one point we have a list of approved smelters, and a few months later there could be smelters which are not approved, or vice versa.

Beijer Electronics is committed to a socially responsible supply chain that among other requirements, is Conflict Mineral compliant. Beijer Electronics does not purchase these metals directly from smelters or mines. We are working with our direct suppliers to understand their supply chain, determine the origin of conflict minerals and demand from them socially responsible purchasing activities. As the chain of sub-suppliers to Beijer Electronics is very long, it does take time for Beijer Electronics to receive feedback on a new CMRT.

When there is an updated CMRT, Beijer Electronics will request an updated declaration of Conflict Minerals according to the CMRT template.

Beijer Electronics sends out a request for a declaration once per year. This could mean that we are not able to declare according to the latest released CMRT.


Download: Beijer Electronics - Conflict minerals policy

Download: Beijer Electronics - Conflict minerals supplier requirements